HudsonUP Year 2 makes headway in UBI research

     The HudsonUP Basic Income (BI) pilot’s second year wrapped up in the Fall of 2022, which includes 75 individuals over two cohorts. Our lab collected data bi-annually through surveys and interviews with willing participants. In Fall 2022 a third cohort of 53 participants was added, bringing the pilot’s total number to 128 participants.

    HudsonUP’s unique 5-year length allows a deeper look into the effects of BI on individuals over time. The pilot encompasses a diverse set of Hudson, NY residents, and supports approximately 2% of all Hudson residents, nearly 5% of Hudson households, and 9% of residents living in poverty. 

    Quantitative data from the two cohorts shows that employment rates are steadily increasing above baseline, rising 72% in cohort one, and 150% in cohort two. Along with this, participants increased their savings and made steady improvements to their health. Overall, participants experienced positive changes in many areas. HudsonUP reduced much of the financial precarity and stress experienced by participants, and experiences were much more positive than with traditional assistance programs according to respondents. Six qualitative themes were identified after completing interviews with 24 participants.

External Uncertainty

 The first identified theme is external uncertainty. According to respondents, participants experience many external factors that have an effect on their overall well-being. One such factor is inflation, which restricts the participant’s ability to reach some of their financial goals. For others, external factors such as medical emergencies, school, and interpersonal issues posed a barrier to greater stability, with one participant explaining “it's just a struggle to balance everything.

Financial Stability

The second identified theme was the gratitude many felt for what one participant described as “the undercurrent of stability”. Many expressed that they were finally able to “stay afloat” and were able to focus on steps towards greater stability, and reduced levels of stress. This is a large change compared to the stress and financial precarity experienced before HudsonUP.

Physical and Mental Health Stability

With this undercurrent of stability, participants were able to take the necessary steps toward the third theme, progress toward goals. Participants have a wide range of long-term goals, from increasing savings, starting a business, and buying a home or car, to traveling. One participant described the gratification by saying, “my present self is taking care of my future self in some way.” Greater stability allows participants to focus on their future, instead of constantly struggling in the present. 

Progress Toward Long-Term Goals

This greater stability also increased the physical and mental well-being and stability of participants. Reduced stress levels over finances allowed many to focus more on the things that matter most. This includes addressing health issues, finding joy while traveling, or spending time with family. A participant described their improved health by saying “I can view my life in a more positive light now that I have money.

Increased Connectiveness and Generosity

Participants told stories of how they could finally focus on their own loved ones, and some found joy while assisting others. Some helped strangers who were struggling to pay for groceries or helped a man who needed train fare. Many spoke about how these acts of generosity created a greater connectedness between themselves and the people around them, with one participant saying“It's just amazing that if you're in the right space, and you get blessed like this, how you become more grateful, more open, and more compassionate and empathetic towards other people. I've always had those qualities, but it's heightened because you know you can do it without concern.”

Positivity about UBI

Lastly, many expressed their positive attitude towards UBI. Not only was gratitude expressed for the HudsonUP program, but overwhelmingly, many discussed their beliefs of how UBI could benefit other communities or the nation as a whole. 

HudsonUP plans to continue monitoring changes in participants over the course of the pilot. As year two comes to an end, results are promising and hopeful for participants and proponents of UBI alike.

Access the full report here.


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